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Welcome to & has launched a Citizen Watchdog committee comprised of local residents and concerned citizens.
The Adirondack Watchdog committee will monitor development and zoning issues throughout the region.
Particular attention will be focused on elected officials who's responsibility it is to protect our communities and enforce our zoning laws.
We are seeking dedicated volunteers who care passionately about their communities and who are willing to fight to protect their rights as citizens.

To learn more about our mission and how you can become involved, please send us an email.


A large crowd packed the North Elba Town Hall last night to share their comments on the Adirondack Museum’s plan to build a Lake Placid branch of the museum on Main Street.

The public hearing was held by the Lake Placid-North Elba Joint Review Board, which is trying to determine whether the project meets the requirements of the local land use code.
click here for entire story

Lake Placid Main Street debate

By REBECCA STEFFAN, Enterprise Staff Writer

Posted on: Friday, July 6, 2007

LAKE PLACID — At times pedantic and at times heated, a public hearing on the proposed branch of the Adirondack Museum in Lake Placid drew far more passionate supporters than outraged dissenters Thursday night.

The crowd of about 50 had to convene in a downstairs meeting room of the North Elba Town Hall because the Lake Placid/North Elba Joint Review Board’s regular meeting room did not have enough chairs. The public hearing opened around 7:30 p.m. and lasted for two hours before it was adjourned to a later date due to the necessity of the board to look at other projects on its agenda.
click here for entire story

Rob and Pat --- Our praise and appreciation for all your efforts is
long overdue, but the February 16th Lake Placid News ad takes the
cake .... simply outstanding in terms of message, style and
content. You have elevated the entire subject of planning and
development to a new level of community awareness and concern in a
truly professional, honest, factual fashion.

Ever since the new owners took over Whiteface Club & Resort in 2004 we have been coping with endless issues of scale, uses and usage for the 1.43 acre waterfront parcel which is the "keyhole" to Placid Lake for the entire Whiteface operation including 1) property owners, 2) general public, 3) adjacent condominiums which they manage and 4) deeded Moongate properties. Nothing is ever enough. We've been delayed in obtaining DEC "Freedom of Information" records regarding
the latest Whiteface management ploy, i.e. to move the docks further out into Placid Lake to an distance of 150 feet from shore. We hope to have those documents in hand later this week. Not surprisingly, Whiteface Club waited until February, after we had left for a Florida vacation, to meet with the Joint Review Board and we never received the certified letter which was supposedly sent.
We'll continue to do our "watchdog" best in our little corner of
Placid Lake.
Paul Dooling