CD/DVD Request Form

The Proposed Lake Placid Hilton Redevelopment Plan

The Lake Placid Hilton has proposed a five story condominium project on the site of the Hilton-owned Lake View Motel on Saranac Avenue and Mirror Lake Drive in downtown Lake Placid. This project calls for a 46-unit condominium complex on the site of their existing Lake View Motel on Mirror Lake Drive.

Request for four substantial variances
The project must receive four different variances from the Adirondack Park Agency and local Lake Placid Zoning Board of Appeals.
1)The first variance request is to allow for more parking spaces than are currently allowed in the C-1 zoning district.
2)The second variance is for a conditional use variance because the building would be closer than 100 feet to a residential district.
3)The third variance is a request to construct the building 19 feet and 10 inches higher than the 30 feet maximum height currently allowed.
4)The fourth variance is for a significant setback in the front yard of the building.

Land Development Issues
The design of a community can reduce land, pavement, water and driving consumption. Poorly planned development threatens our environment, our health, and our quality of life in numerous ways.
All development projects should preserve quality of life for both existing and future residents. Whenever possible, a project should also be designed to enhance quality of life.
A good Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) will achieve both goals by meeting the following three criteria:

All reasonable alternatives for achieving the project goals should be evaluated, including no-build.

All quality of life impacts, both positive and negative, resulting from each alternative must be identified

Each alternative must be ranked objectively with respect to cumulative and individual quality of life impacts.

The research needed to fulfill these three criteria should be carried out in an open process where the public is provided with ample, independent background information and extensive opportunities to fully participate. Of course, the alternative should be that which has the most positive quality of life impact while coming closest to achieving the purposes of the project.

Lake Placid / North Elba Joint Planning Commission

The Lake Placid / North Elba Joint Planning Commission has a website that serves as the primary resource and communications center for all information related to Joint Planning Commission projects.

The Project
In 1997, the Village of Lake Placid and Town of North Elba completed a Joint Comprehensive Plan which recommended the adoption of a Joint Lake Use Code to serve both municipalities. Undertaken largely by dedicated volunteers, the new Code was adopted in December 2000, which also created a Joint Planning Commission (JPC).
During the past few years, the Lake Placid/North Elba community has experienced increasing growth pressures stimulated by tourism, sports events, second home development and a steady migration of year-around residents. In 2004, the JPC undertook a weeklong intensive assessment of the community's growth management practices, led by the consulting firm of AKRF. The Growth Management Assessment consisted of seven workshops, concluding with a presentation of the firm's findings. The assessment outlined a “blueprint” of priorities for improving the community’s growth management practices, one of which was to update the Joint Land Use Code.

The Town and Village have contracted with "LandWorks," a planning and design firm based in Middlebury, Vermont to work with the community in preparing a "Smart Growth" Joint Land Use Code. There will be periodic public meetings or forums once the process is started to include the community during the revision. This website also provides a form for the public to submit input regarding the Code revision. Once a draft Code has been completed, it will be presented to the Town Board and Village Trustees. Subsequently, the draft will be presented at a public information meeting for review and comment.

Please click on the following links for more information:

Draft Code Sections (new 10-11-06)

Draft Code Sections-2 (new 10-18-06)

Click Here for Visual Survey

Visual Survey Results (new 10-11-06)

Please visit The Lake Placid / North Elba Joint Planning Commission website for more information